Useful Links
- Ministry of Industry and trade
- Ministry of Justice
- Judicial Counsel
- Ministry Finance
- Ministry Of Planning
- Jordan EU associating Agreement
- Jordan Investment Board
- Greater Amman Municipality
- Guide 2 Jordan
- House of Parliament
- International Treadmark Association
- World Intellectual Property Organization
- IPR Helpdesk
- United States Patent and Treadmark Office
- Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
- Arabic Internet Names Consortium
- Instituto Nacional Da Propriedade Industrial
- The International Union For the Protection of New Varieties of Plants
- World Trade Organization
- Jordan Investment Board
- Jordan Enterprise Development Corporation
- Jordan Institute of Standerds and Metrology
- National Information System of Jordan
- Income Tax Department
- The Customs Department
- The General Sales Tax Department
- Jordan Telecommunications Regulatory Commission
- Marques
- UK Patent and Treadmark Office
- Central of Advanced Study and Research on Intellectual Property
- The Institute of Treadmarks Attorneys
- American Intellectual Property Association
- International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys
- Patent and treadmark Group
- The institute of Patents and Inventors
- Licensing Excutives Society International (LESI)
- National Association of Patent Practitioners
Ridha M. Nasair LLB, LLM
Dima Taan LLB