
Trademark filing process in Jordan:

Once the application is filed, it is examined to its conformity with the applicable laws and it is availability against prior applications or registrations which normally takes up to 7 months, after ward the application be forwarded to the official gazette for publication which might take place within nine months form the filing date. If no opposition was filed by third party with three months from the publication date, the application will mature into a registration and the certificate will be issued accordingly .The registration is valid for 10 years and is renewable for similar terms.

Kindly note the following points:

  1. Multi class applications are not available under the Jordanian Trademark Law. Therefore, an application for each class must be filed separately.
  2.  Trademarks registration period are 10 years, starting from filing date.

Power of Attorney Form

TRADE MARK Off.Fees(US$) Pro.Fees(US$) Total Fees(US$)
Filing a trade/service mark application, including publication and registration fees in one class. 650 225 875
Filing each additional simultaneous trade/service mark application, including publication and registration fees in one class. 650 210 860
Filing an application for a collective trade mark, including publication and registration fees in one class 780 260 1040
Extra publication in the official gazette (per pages) 75 50 125
Renewal of a trade mark registration if submitted during the protection period, in one class 530 155 685
Renewal of each additional mark registration for the same applicant, in one class 530 140 670
Entry of assignment, license or merger of a registered trade mark in one class, first mark 250 105 355
Entry of assignment, license or merger in each additional trademark within the same document /owner 250 100 350
Amendment, addition, correction or completion of a pending application, upon the Registrar’s request 40 20 60
Amendment, addition, correction of a pending application, before its acceptance by the Registrar 40 20 60
Entry of a change of name and/or address against a registered trade mark, in one class. 120 90 210
Entry of a change of name and/or address for Each additional mark registration for the same owner, in one class in the same application. 120 70 190
Specifying (claiming) the colors of a registered mark. 0 20 20
Restriction (limitation) or amendment to the list of goods of a registered trade mark. 30 20 50
Cancellation by the owner of his trade mark registration (per mark). 30 20 50
Hearing at the Registrar’s Office to discuss decisions or argue against disclaimers/objections. 30 35 65
Attending a hearing to argue for each additional mark in the same hearing. 30 20 50
Applying for obtaining extension of time to respond to an official action. 30 20 50
Filing a trade/service mark application, including publication and registration fees in one class. 30 20 50
Preparing prints. 0 20 20
Claiming priority of a trade mark application (excluding Arabic translation). 0 20 20
Late filing of supporting documents, certificates or requirements, per item. 30 20 50
Search for the first trade mark, in one class. 30 60 90
Filing a trade/service mark application, including publication and registration fees in one class. 30 50 80
Translation of a power of attorney. 0 70 70
Super legalization of a document (minimum). 100 70 170
Translation from English to Arabic / per page. 0 20 20
Translation from other languages into Arabic / per page. 0 25 25
One copy of an official gazette. 5 20 25
Opposition Action. 750 1250 2000
Cancellation Action. 750 1400 2100


Kindly note that the above quoted charges are all inclusive, of both (official and professional fees), however, our charges may be subject to increases due to changes in the official fees or exchange rates.


Trademarks Filing Requirements:

  1. Power of attorney notarized and legalized up to the Jordanian Consulate.
  2.  Four prints of the trademark for each application.
  3.  Name, nationality, address, status and occupation of the application.
  4.  List of the goods/services and classes to be covered by the application.
  5. Certified priority document, when priority is to be claimed.

Requirement fore recording a border measure:

  1.  Copy of the trademark registration certificate.
  2.  Specimen of the trademark intends to take measures for.

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